I visited my mum in Brighton (well, Hove, actually) last week, and a couple of spontaneous things happened.
Firstly, I had my shoes shined by a real shoe-shine-guy! Not something I've ever had done before, and not something I'd normally do, but I decided 'Why not!' It was rather fun - the sensation of the brush and cloth through the boots was quite different, and the chap was interesting to talk to. It was a real 'spit & polish' too!
The other spontaneous thing I did was ride the Brighton Wheel.
I've never been on the London Eye, or a Ferris Wheel or anything like that, as I'm a bit nervous about heights, but I decided to give it a whirl. The views across Sussex were lovely, but I was more taken with the view over the English Channel.
While I was in Brighton, I also got a couple of the books for my Challenge, and my friend Leah suggested a couple more (Frankenstein & Phantom of the Opera) so I've added those to my list; although as long as I read at least one from each of Ancient, Classic & Modern I will feel that I've satisfied the Challenge!
Lovely photos Olga and the Wheel looks lovely!